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Stronger Xbus signal, improve performance.Faster PWM signal, improve performance under PWM with 2K servo. ・


< Feature >

Hybrid system whit PWM(11) and Xbus(16) output ports using DMSS 2.4GHz technology.

Dual Battery System.・Two (DMSS) RA03TL Sub Receivers included・Power switch included (E type)

A highly efficient system that monitors voltage and manages the power supply between batteries in a balanced manner to prevent biases in power consumption.

Easy Bind System




Dimensions: 2.36 x 3.54 x 0.65inches(60 x90 x 16.5mm)Weight: 4.23 oz /120 gOperating Voltage: under 12.6VModulation: DMSS 2.4GHzPWM Ports:11 XBUSPorts: 16



the transmitter needs to be Xbus A mode to operate the receiver.


Safety Features:

The JR 16BPX PRO Safety Box is dedicated to large RC applications, offering the possibility to manage 16 channels in XBus and 11 channels in PWM protocols at the same time, while leveraging all powers of the JR proprietary DMSS 2.4GHz transmission system. With this onboard equipment, dedicated to ensure maximum receiving safety, the potential of the 28 Channels JR Elite radio can be fully exploited.


The innovative, but essential JR engineering design approach oriented to provide the simplest solutions not subject to potential system failures, has been applied to develop this leading edge product, dedicated to ensure safety in large applications, while preserving airplane lightness, at only 140 gr. total weight including satellites and e-switch, and facilitating an easy installation process.


Dual battery system, a highly efficient system that manages the power supply and voltage between the two batteries in a balanced to manner prevents biases in power consumption. This system enables the use of Li-Po 2 or 3S batteries to ensure the fastest servo response, depending on servo power supply compatibility (Battery connectors clips included). The maximum operating voltage is set at 12.6V, enabling the operation of extremely strong and fast 2K servos. All system components have been designed adopting a significant redundancy design policy and provide total safety also in presence of high voltage adoption and very high peaks of Amps load.


Two receiving satellites (Two DMSS RA03TL Sub Receivers Included) ensure receiving redundancy on all channels at the same time. In the rare case one satellite that loses signal for a short while, mostly due to interference or antennas installation location and airplane position in the air, the other will continue to supply information to all channels, ensuring continuous and smooth operation.


Channel protection provides continuation of on-air operations also in presence of potential servo overload or wire installation short circuit. If a servo or a channel line fails, all other channels will continue to work independently. This very important prevention feature is ensured by the installation of a dedicated circuit line for each port/channel, enabling ports to not interfere with each other.


Integrated XBus JR digital protocol, provides the concurrent, synchronic, response of each servo, providing maximum instantaneous servo response and significantly facilitating the operation of multiple servos operating on the same surface. The digital communication performed in XBus, connecting each servo identity to its dedicated channel, enables the ability to communicate signal to all servos at the same time, virtually eliminating latency time. The analogue PWM communication protocol doesn’t provide the same quality of response. Therefore, the use of PWM channels is suggested for non time-critical movement, such as flaps or door operation. In addition, XBus operation contributes to channel protection, as each channel/port/servo relationship is managed independently. In order to fully experience all the great features provided by the proprietary JR XBus protocol, the transmitter has to be programmed in XBus mode.


E-Switch provides total safety of the switching process, as it is totally insensible to potential vibrations.


Telemetry is enabled through all available channels and can be easily set up and checked on the transmitter, based on the function of the onboard sensors adopted. Receiving power supply levels are automatically and constantly shared with the transmitter, on which they can easily be monitored.


The JR 16BPX PRO Safety Box can be used with transmitters and servos produced by different manufacturers, providing full on-air safety protection. However, the best operating efficiency and responsiveness is ensured when all JR system components are aligned: transmitter, safety box, servos and telemetry sensors, and when all critical surface movements are set to operate in XBus.


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16BPX PRO w/RA03TL x2 Receiver (Deans)

$310.99 Regular Price
$279.90Sale Price

MLK Day Sale

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