Hello, my name is Bill “BV” Vargas. I have been associated with model aviation since the mid 60’s beginning with U-Control. From my early days I moved into Free Flight, Gliders, WWII scale, AMA428 Quickee Pylon Racing and AMA422 Q40 Pylon Racing. In the last 12yrs or so I have been involved with Giant Scale type aerobatic type model aircraft and I enjoy flying the IMAC Sequences for Competition and fun. My latest Special Intrest Group involvement has been with the Unlimited Scale Racing Association, (USRA) Giant Scale Racing arena. The last 2 yrs in a row I have won the Sportsman Gas Class and the Limited Gas Class, both with an unlimited airframe called the Ms. Ashley powered by a stock DA-150 with speeds in the 180-190mph range. I have now moved up into the Unlimited Class with the Ms. Ashley airframe.
My USRA Unlimited race plane is the Ms. Ashley powered by a special purpose built BBC 200cc Race Engine on 25% nitro fuel and speeds here are 250mph plus! Again here this plane is guided along with the T44 Special Edition TX and the 11BPX w/RA03 satellite’s and out to JRNXB 8921 and JR/DFA S8931+ programmable servos.
My current weekend flyer is the CARF Extra 330SC 3.1M powered by a ZDZ-195 on JMB cans. The TX I fly with is the T44 Special Edition, dual JR/DFA RG812BX (R8A) RX’s, operating on Xbusinto a XBus XB2-CHB Heavy Duty Dual Redundant X Bus Center Hub and from there out to the S8911BL servos on all flight control surfaces. The JR/DFA S8931+ programmable servos control throttle and choke.
Thank You JRPROPO for allowing me the opportunity to represent and to be a JRPROPO Team Member!